Sustainability IV: Tribes
Nowadays, a balance life will most likely to be possible if we work “shoulder to shoulder” and create a chain of good habits, sustainable for our families and Planet.
Sustainable Environment & Happiness
photo @Andreoni
#Think Green
#Seeding a Life Style
#Family Roots
#Peki Place
#Sense of Belonging
A mission: Connect Tribes!
We miss being rooted to a place and gathered in some tribe.
Sense of Belonging
“Every single one of us craves the feeling of being part of something bigger than ourselves. By nature, we are tribal, and back in our caveman days, tribal culture was necessary for survival. But increasingly, we have become disconnected from our tribe. We know our people are out there—somewhere, anywhere—but we feel lost and disconnected from them. We seek them, but they keep eluding us. Without our tribe, we may wind up feeling distanced, depressed, spiritually disconnected, even sick.”
“With these changes, the multi-generational homes disbanded and the community lifestyle shifted gears from nightly celebrations to more of the typical “every man for himself” philosophy that fueled the neighboring communities. The neighbors who would regularly drop in for casual visits started phoning each other to schedule appointments. The evening rituals of adults singing songs while children played with marbles and jacks turned into nights in front of the television.”
Phycology Today/Lissa Rankin M.D.
So, I imagine…
“The most powerful word that I learned in the English language and I did learn is called imagine. When you tell someone imagine, it opens their mind to every possibility. Try that, you say imagine”- Naveen Jain - Indian Tech Enterperneur/Chairman of Moon Express
I imagine a place where adults and children cohabitate and bond together in the most pleasant of ways.
A Place
A House, a Barn, a Club… a Boma, we name it, Peki.
Recently, I visited Mozambique and got inspired by the term “Boma,” which is an African’s traditional place for getting together, like small fort, particularly associated with community decision making. A place where one can dwell in safety.
I imagine a place to perpetuate values for the families, such as cultural roots and sustainability.
Most of the places and events, private or public, around the NYC, are either for adults or for children, one or the other. Often, when the adults participate in the activities alongside chidlren, the accommodations and dynamic are not very ideal. Furthermore, the experience is quite exhausting for the parents and ends up creating a series of chaotic weekends around the city for families, and not necessarily with tender memories. The Place must be FUN for ALL!
I keep working to help to connect groups of people who could all grow together, add so much value to our communities, for their expertise and specially for their life purpose, similar to what I have started already with our Friends of Peki. ( Workshops/Classes/Parties)
I used to fantasize about recreating my Grandparent’s House (as I describe in my, “How Everything Started” at
It would be a place that we could trust on the choices of services, products and people, as part of our own philosophy of life.
And more importantly, we, together, aim to create a chamber of common standards for leaving, which stands on the pillars of Peki’s Methodology of 5 Elements :
Today, our “Boma, is a virtual collection of transformational discussion and encounters that provide us more sense of belonging and Peki’s Philosophy remains deep in the essence of our hearts.
Let’s work to cultivate change with enthusiasm by honoring family’s roots!
Vanessa, a woman dreaming green.