ALL YEAR round!
Free play is just as important to developing young minds as focused study. Unstructured playtime allows a child's creativity to blossom. At the same time, it allows kids to apply what they've learned in the classroom to unscripted situations where the ability to assign logic and problem solving is key.
Summer is the perfect time for kids to kick back, relax and develop their inner thought life on a grand scale, however as Stuart Brown suggests in his article, free play time is important throughout the year.
Playing is as important as studying, to open and relax kid’s minds, and let them naturally develop their sense of logical thoughts.
The summer does not release the kids completely from their organized agendas, but it offers the opportunity for them to play more freely.
However, according to specialists, like Mr. Brown, writer of the article suggested, it is important to balance more those activities and provide more time for the kids to play, not just during the summer time, but over the year.
Stuart Brown, is founder and president of the National Institute for Play, author of “Play, How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Mind