Learn how to play chess
Create your own pieces with recyclables
"It was great watching your children succeed in our chess tournament last Saturday. Chess is an amazing game of infinite possibilities and it always amazes me how fearlessly children jump into it and start making decisions from their very first lesson with such confidence and ease."
Michah Saperstein, Chess Instructor
Dear Parents and Friends,
I am very excited to let you know that I partnership with Gotham City Chess this season and through summer in NYC, CT and Hamptons.
ReThinkRecycle is a Workshop that Michah Saperstein and I thoughtfully put together to teach the royal game of chess balanced with art and games activities with recyclables.
We are happy to launch our first Chess "Boutique Style" workshop, in Battery Park City this upcoming spring break (April 22nd- 25th), as this will ll be a four day, workshop for children aged 4-7 to learn how to play chess through making their own chess sets out of recycled materials.
This one is a unique opportunity and will be limited to six students.
The Workshops
You may be asking: " Why are they combining Chess with Recyclables?"
Because garbage can be a starting point to educate and influence more children to engage in supporting the sustainability chain.
Children will learn who the king is and how he moves, but then they will internalize this geometric step by then creating their own king for their own board. He may be tall and lanky or he may be short and round and all students will express themselves uniquely while learning the rules of the game of Chess.
In the end of our ReThinkRecycle Workshop, each child walks away with an individualized chess board with 36 chess pieces and the ability to sit down and play a game of chess.
My approach
Me, a Woman Thinking Green, and dedicated to cultivating childhood, became an architect of programs and curriculums to encourage people to be in contact with Nature, consume with purpose and connect with your tribes, family roots and passions.
I have been playing with garbage (recyclables) for the past 15 years through educational playdates and workshops. Garbage is a creative and informal approach to teaching, detached from a formal curriculum or method, which entails coming up with ideas together with friends & family on how to practice our core values (and by always having fun!)
Remembering that Peki's methodology is rooted in 5 Key Elements, that all together are catalytic, providing an opportunity for each child to flourish and discover her passions and various talents.
Heritage: Keeping tradition and CULTURE alive through play/ Roots
Spontaneity: Promoting a sense of TIMEless by unplugging from daily scheduling
Creativity: Encouraging a time-honored approach to games & basic toys
ECO: Respecting NATURE through environmentally friendly practices & community building
Magic: Being surprised with enchantment
Chess is part of Peki Sustainability Club: "Less is Better than More”
It’s mission is to create an easy, possible and fun way of practicing sustainability actions.
Garbage is a way of doing important things, of using our imagination to do more with less.
With Love and Joy!
Go Chess!