Peki Natura II: Liberdade/Freedom
E Desde Quando Brincar de Pega-Pega no Parque, É Perda de Tempo?
When Did Playing Catch in The Park Become a Form of Killing Time?
Peki Natura II ( click Tita Ibiúna 2017)
"Assim como o ambiente natural é a principal fonte de estímulos sensoriais, a liberdade de tempo e espaço para brincar ao ar livre, é essencial para um desenvolvimento saudável. O mais importante para nossas crianças, é poder todos os dias, experenciar diversão e sonhos, muitas vezes sozinhos. Elas precisam crescer criando suas próprias experiências na natureza, para expandirem seus limites the exploração". Relata, Robin Moore, especialista em arquitetura de ambientes naturais para o desenvolvimento educacional.
As crianças que passam mais tempo brincando com liberdade, nos parques, florestas e em contato com animais, se desenvolvem mais confiantes.
Os pais modernos, na ansia de promover atividades instrutivas e seguras aos filhos, não deixam nenhum, ou muito pouco tempo livre na rotina dos filhos.
As atividades estruturadas não deixam de ser importantes, desde que estejam equilibradas também, com o tempo livre e independente, mesmo que seja para fazer “nada”.
E’ importante ter tempo para perder a noção dele e poder mergulhar nos próprios pensamentos.
Os pais também precisam ser educados e inspirados, para entrarem nesse movimento.
Embora pareça contraditória, asugestão é: organizar situações, para que as crianças tenham a oportunidade de brincar "desorganizadamente", mas com sentido, livremente, e se possível, na natureza. Assim comentou a especialista educacional da Cornell University, Nancy Wells, no livro: "The Last Child In the Woods".
O Peki Natura quer convidar `a todos a pensar por um minuto, sobre como incorporar mais vida natureza em suas agendas. Enquanto isso, seguimos passando dicas e promovendo eventos, que mesmo nas cidades, estimule a curiosidade e vontade de passar mais tempo “outdoors”.
Quotes (em inglês)
Segue abaixo, colocações selecionadas das pesquisas dos especialistas que estão no livro “The Last Child in the Woods”; “A Última Criança na Floresta” – Richard Louv
Nature Nurture Creativity
“Since the natural environment is the principal source of sensory stimulation, freedom to explore and play with the outdoor environment through the senses in their own space and time is essential for healthy development of an interior life...”
“The most important goal is for our children, in their everyday lives, to experience joy and wonder, sometimes in solitude. – For them to create their own nature experiences and, as they grow up, to expand the boundaries of their exploration”.
Robin Moore, an expert in the design of play and learning environments, has written that natural settings are essential for healthy child development because they stimulate all the senses and integrate informal play with formal play. Multisensory experiences in nature help to build the cognitive constructs necessary for sustained intellectual development and stimulate imagination by supplying the child with the free space and materials for what he calls children’s “architecture and artifacts”.
“Natural spaces and materials stimulate children’s limitless imaginations and serve as the medium of inventiveness and creativity observable in almost any group of children playing in natural settings” – says Moore
(Robin Moore, holds degrees in architecture (London University) and urban planning (MIT), Professor Robin Moore, North Carolina University).
“When did playing catch in the park become a form of killing time?”
"In an effort to value and structure time, some of us unintentionally may be killing dreamtime. In our worry about our children’s safety we may take actions that, in some ways, decrease our children’s safety.
This is not to diminish the importance of organized sports. Certainly, they get kids outside, and these activities offer attributes all theirs own. It is a matter of finding a better balance between organized activities, the pace of our children’s lives and their experience in nature".
"It takes time – loose unstructured dreamtime – to experience nature in a meaningful way".
"Nancy Wells and Kristi Lekies, from Cornell University study suggested that free play in nature is far more effective than mandatory, adult organized activities in nature. Paradoxically, this suggests that organizers of nature activities should strive to make the experiences as unorganized as possible – BUT STILL MEANINGFUL. Not an easy task to accomplish."
“One of the great benefits of unstructured outdoor recreation is that does not cost anything.” - James Sallis – Director of Active Living Research Program for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (comercial interest is also to be considered)
Emotional & Physical Support
Jane Clark, a University of Maryland Professor of kinesiology (the study of human movement), researched and presented it.
“The containerized kids”- kids being raised not only indoors, but also confined to even smaller spaces. - they spend more and more time in car seats, high chairs, and even baby seats for watching TV. When small children do go outside, they are often placed in containers - strollers.
As the nature deficit grows, another emerging body of scientific evidence indicates that direct exposure to nature is essential for physical and emotional health. Research shows that "thoughtful exposure of youngsters to nature can be a powerful form of therapy for attention-deficit disorder and other maladies."
Studies in Norway and Sweden identified that children in the “green” day care who played outside every day, regardless of weather, had better motor coordination and more ability do concentrate.
Green outdoors spaces foster creative play, improve children’s access to positive adult interaction – and relieve the symptoms of attention – deficit disorders. According to one of the most important work done in this area done at the Human- Environment Research Laboratory at the UI, by Andrea Taylor, Frances Kuo and William C. Sullivan.
Ironically, the childhood obesity epidemic has coincided with dramatic increased in children’s organized sports. Of course, it does not mean that organized sports cause obesity, but that over-scheduled, over-organized childhood may. Such a childhood, without nature, is missing vital ingredients.
Social Support
Nature teaches kids about friendship.
“Nature is often overlooked as a healing balm for the emotional hardship in child’s life”.
Louise Chawla, a Kentucky State University, environmental psychologist professor, says: “Children do need mentors. A story after story, activists told about a family member who took the child into the woods or gardens and modeled appreciative attention to plants and animals there. What they did not demonstrate was fear,or heedless destruction.”
“There is a great need to educate parents about this research - to awaken or inspire the parent’s pleasure with nature play - as the necessary context for continued nature experiences for their children”
Kids hanging out in Nature make friends easily and are satisfied being with each other. - do not get bored
Researchers have observed that when children played in an environment dominated by play structures rather than natural elements, they established their social hierarchy thorough physical competence; after an open grassy area planted with shrubs, the quality of play in what researchers termed “vegetative rooms” was very different. Children used more fantasy play, and their social standing became based less on physical abilities and more language skills, creativity, and inventiveness.
One reason for the emotional benefits of nature may be that green space fosters social interaction and thereby promotes social support. For instance, a Swedish shows that children and parents who live in places that allow for outdoor access have twice as many friends those who have restricted outdoor access to traffic.
Certainly the deepest friendship evolves out of shared experience, particularly in environments in which all the senses are enlivened.
Deficit in Free Playing outdoors/Statistics
British study discovered that average 8 year olds were better able to identify characters from the Japanese card trading game Pokémon than native species in the community where they lived.
For almost two decades the well – known Japanese photographer Keiki Haginoya, photographed children’s playing in the cities of Japan. In recent years, children have disappeared so rapidly from his viewfinder that he has had to bring this chapter of this work to end.
In the US, children are spending less time playing outdoors – or in any unstructured way. From 1997 – 2003 there was a decline of 50% in the proportion of children nine to twelve who spent time in outdoors activities, such as fishing, hiking, biking. And according to Sandra Hofferth, at the University of Maryland, children’s free play and discretionary time in a typical week declined a total of nine hours over a 25 years period.
Espero ter cutucado vocês para irem mais aos parques... ( foto em Ibiúna com Manú e Rafa 2017...e foram elas que envolvidas no clima, resolveram pular, e me levar junto...delícia)
Go Greener!